Graduation Party Heads-Up

Since I’m graduating in 22 days (I’ll include weekends this time), I’m throwing a little shindig so chances are if you are reading this you are invited I just have to get invitations out. I’m not a huge fan of graduation annoucements so you won’t get those, but invitations will at least be coming in the snail mail. I wonder if postal workers appreciate being called snails.

18 days left…

I’ll be an Amy poser and count down my days left until graduation. I’m really excited for it to be over, not because I’ll be down with school, but because I’ll be able to work full-time doing something I think is fun. I’ve been interviewing over the past two weeks and heard back from two places yesterday and today, one made an offer and the other said an offer is in the mail. So that is very good.

I just ate a box of Kraft macaroni and cheese by myself…

…and I liked it. I’m on spring break and in college terms that means heavy drinking and passing out on a beach to wake up with a severe sunburn. So what am I doing with my spring break? Working, homework, and getting ready to work after I graduate. Work, work, work, that’s like a triple negative. Spring break, psssh, more like Spring work.