Hawaii Panoramas

Finally got some of the panoramas I took in Hawaii stitched together and there’s 2 I want to share that I really like. The shot of the river was kind of by accident, we were driving on the bypass road south of Lihue and happened up a turnout with a nice view of the Menehune Fishpond and the river going into Nawiliwili Bay. The canyon shot is Waimea canyon over on the west side of Kauai; the drive all the way up is well worth it since it ends in a view of the Napali Coast. Enjoy.

Honeymoon Pictures Are Up

Hawaii + 3 cameras = 900+ images but I managed to whittle it down to 220. Some might be a little redundant but there’s some pretty nice shots in there. I’ll be posting some very NICE panoramic shots of Waimea Canyon and some other beautiful locations soon.

Honeymoon Gallery

Quick list of what the pictures cover:

  • Our private cottage
  • Spouting Horn
  • Sarah reading Harry Potter
  • Lots of eating and drinking
  • Salt Pond Beach
  • Drive up the west side to Waimea Canyon and then up to Kokee State Park
  • Dinner at the Beach House
  • Swimming in completely enclosed swimming area at Lydgate Beach
  • Poipu Beach
  • Goats and lizards oh my
  • 4 mile hike up to Sleeping Giant
  • Shipwreck Beach and lithified cliffs
  • Couple waterfalls
  • Queen’s Bath
  • Kilauea Lighthouse
  • Moon on the ocean from our hotel window
  • Sunrise on the beach
  • Sunset in Maui (including turtle)
  • Swimming in Maui
  • Old Lahaina Luau
  • Long exposure of stars (Big Dipper!)

The honeymoon planning begins

This past weekend I spent a few late nights scouring the Internet for places to stay in Hawaii and getting a feel for what’s available. I’ve never been to Hawaii and I know a lot of you have been and I want to hear about your experiences, tips, insights, advice, etc.. Right now I’m planning on 6 nights on Kauai and 2-3 nights on Maui. I’m reserving a secluded private cottage for the first 4 nights on Kauai but beyond that I’m still figuring things out. I bought Frommer’s “Hawaii From $80 A Day” which has given me some good ideas, but personal recommendations on stuff to do is highly valued.