I am the most picky blog user ever!

Well I’ve been fooling myself about what I really want to do with my site. If I had taken a look at my preference for everything else in life, I should have immediately gone with a blog program that is simple and straight forward, but still offer a wealth of features.

I started out with my own hand-coded blog named after my forwarder, froman.gotdns.com. After that I bought my domain name and setup with GoDaddy.com as a host, I tried Mambo, Nucleus and Serendipity. I liked them both but GoDaddy’s terrible servers killed it for me. I moved to ResellerZoom.com and tried Drupal but I just wasn’t digging it, I was spending more time trying to get it setup where I want it instead of actually writing and producing content (and not doing schoolwork in the process).

So here I am now on my sixth install of blogging software. The most important word there is “blogging”. I finally realized that all I want to do is write some blogs, maybe some static pages and put a bunch of links over in the sidebar. I had to fight the geek inside of me and ended up choosing a less geeky solution for my blog.

The only things that will change for now on is the amount of posts and content and the layout!