Defiant return from the black hole called school

Well I’m not completely free yet but I’m getting closer. Thanks to Denise and Amy for noticing my absence. Finishing up my labs and papers this week with 3 finals next week. They shouldn’t be too hard and I probably won’t study like crazy, who knows I might pull of another 4.0 semester (I’m a quarter of the way there for sure). When winter break rolls around and I have nothing to do I will definitely be posting here and on other sites more. Who knows I might actually create a post that is somewhat geeky and …weekly.

Time for a little demolition

We’ve been stripping down our dining room and kitchen to get ready for a big remodel. I got to take out a little aggression and bust out the dry wall from the water-damaged soffit over the breakfast bar. Half of the thing pretty much just crumpled when you whacked it, leaving a nice mess.