Quite Interesting (QI) from BBC

Oh I love Jimmy Carr and this might just be a new show to get hooked on. Stephen Fry is quite entertaining and you would know this if you have seen any of his stuff with Hugh Laurie. So the guests are suppose to write stuff out on their board using the magnetic letters supplied and Jimmy happens to use all of them.

the lolcat fever. i has it.

The most significant Internet development of 2007 is undoubtedly the explosion of putting humorous captions on pictures of cats which has come to be known as lolcats. If you have no idea what I’m talking about see this post that really kicked off the lolcat phenomenon. xkcd even acknowledged the lolcat phenomenon with this comic. There’s no point trying to make sense of it. Either you think it’s funny or you don’t. It does help to be a geek and have an odd sense of humor. Which category do you put yourself in: show me the kittehs, this is freaking retarded or I don’t get it? Here are some past phenomenons I enjoyed if you happened to miss them: