The release of WordPress 3.0 introduced a lot of good stuff behind the scenes that I wanted to take advantage of. The new built in Twenty Ten theme incorporates all this new stuff and is pretty nice so I ditched my old custom theme that I was never super happy with. Overall changes:
- Switched to Twenty Ten theme
- Customized header with one of my panoramas from Kauai (Menehune Fishpond just south of Lihue)
- Built navigation menu using new Menu feature
- Added Contact form
- Added Google Reader snippet to display recent starred items in sidebar
- Setup footer widgets with Recent Posts, Tag Cloud, Pages and Categories for unobtrusive navigation links
- Deactivated Wordbooker, less content Facebook has of mine the better
- Enabled threaded comments, giving it another try
Nice blog. The WPtouch theme works great on my iPhone.
Testing out the threaded comments!
And now a reply to the original post….oooooh.
It’s not bad. They’re a little spread out, but that’s probably just some CSS master coding to shrink em down to college ruled style.