- Rope, Trees, Some Assembly Required
- Consumer Reports’ Five Best Value Small Cars
- Why Don’t Young People Care About Finances?
- The Index Fund Wins Again
– Index funds FTW - Netflix Signs South Park for Streaming Seasons 1 – 9
- Where the dangerous home mortgages are
- Is the Criminal Justice system racist?
- Not Obama’s Budget
- Bank of America CEO on housing
- Jim Cramer Sputters On The Daily Show
– Quote: “Even Stewart admits Cramer isn’t the real problem, which is that the purpose of 99% of the financial industry is not to make you rich. It’s too extract money from you, while you think they might make you rich.” - Foreclosures up in February
– Surprise! Housing is going to get worse before it gets better. - Google Reader starts a conversation
– Yes yes yes yes! Awesome. Lots of us have been wanting this and it sounds like they were listening. - Pub evacuated after Monty Python prop mistaken for grenade – Telegraph
– And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, “O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.” And the Lord did grin. - Obama’s deficits will be four times bigger than under Bush
- computerdesks.com: Wat!
- Why Government shouldn’t mandate what people buy