Geeky Weekly Stats

The Blarg announced his number of visits a while back and I thought I’d take a look at some of my stats. I’ve been using Google Analytics for a while and I’ve got data back to Sept 2006. I started my blog in Oct 2005, but traffic would have been negligible that first year, maybe add 5% onto these numbers. So where do I stand?

  • Unique Visitors: 47,295
  • Visits: 61,400
  • Pageviews: 102,244

Not bad. My WordPress plugins make up the majority of my traffic, about 55% of the page views. A lot of those are single visit bounces, probably because I don’t have my sidebar up on individual pages; might be a good thing to change. A couple other interesting factoids:

  • About 98% of visitors have a screen resolution larger than 800×600
  • 58.5% were using Firefox vs 31% for IE

I’ve been wanting to do a redesign and it might be safe to finally push out towards 900-1000 pixel wide layouts. Still have to take into account that people don’t run their browsers maximized all the time.

One Reply to “Geeky Weekly Stats”

  1. I used to use Urchin, which google bought and became analytics. It was a decent package then but google sure improved it LOADS and made it free! You really can spend a lot of time building reports.

    My data goes back to March 2006 with analytics and I’ve lost all my old Urchin reports but..

    I have similar results with screen resolutions and browsers. It’s nice to see that most people are using at least 800×600 and a large number are at least 1024×768.

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