Hawaii Panoramas

Finally got some of the panoramas I took in Hawaii stitched together and there’s 2 I want to share that I really like. The shot of the river was kind of by accident, we were driving on the bypass road south of Lihue and happened up a turnout with a nice view of the Menehune Fishpond and the river going into Nawiliwili Bay. The canyon shot is Waimea canyon over on the west side of Kauai; the drive all the way up is well worth it since it ends in a view of the Napali Coast. Enjoy.

3 Replies to “Hawaii Panoramas”

  1. Gorgeous photos. The colors in Hawaii remind me of The Wizard of Oz when it goes from black and white to color. The colors there are so vibrant they make what we are used to here seem like black and white.

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