Not really, more like teacher assistant Andrew. I’ve got a project going at school right now to further develop our Microsoft infrastructure for use in various classes, primarily for teaching ASP.NET. Since I’ve actually been using it in my internship I guess that makes me qualified to give 3 lectures on the subject in the upper division Web class. I’m actually taking the other class that will be using the technology so I’m sure I will be contributing there as well. I need to make a point of posting more often to keep myself off of Nathan’s Dead Blarg Friends list.
7 Replies to “Professor Andrew?”
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Eh, you’re doing just fine. It’s when entire months slip by without a post that I begin to worry.
woah woah wait… you’d be lecturing based on actual (useful) experiences? dude you’re in college… (CS/IS) professors are only supposed to know about (in theory) the things they lecture on… I’m worried about how this *knowledge* will be received (most people in classes are robots)…
on a more *serious* note, i’m very sorry to see the schools (and even companies) pushing more and more to ASP.NET / MS based technologies… their prophecy is coming true…
on a for reals / congrats to you note… it’s good that you know how to wrestle with the ASP beast and massage the other *alternative* tools/technologies…
good luck on your lectures
yes, way to go, andrew!
Congrats on teaching some classes. I guess the professors really like you there. Maybe you like teaching so much that you will want to become a professor J/k. I can now say my boyfriend is wicked smart he taught at a University
Way to go on the “an University” bit, Sarah. Andrew shouldn’t be afraid to show you round in the faculty common room of said University. And congrats, Andrew.
The “a” and “an” confusion is quite confusing. :) I heard this discussed on talk radio once, but here is what I found:
Words that begin with an h sound often require an a (as in a horse, a history book, a hotel), but if an h-word begins with an actual vowel sound, use an an (as in an hour, an honor). We would say a useful device and a union matter because the u of those words actually sounds like yoo (as opposed, say, to the u of an ugly incident). The same is true of a European and a Euro (because of that consonantal “Yoo” sound). We would say a once-in-a-lifetime experience or a one-time hero because the words once and one begin with a w sound (as if they were spelled wuntz and won).
boo to english