My Goals for Winter Break

With one final left tomorrow (I would categorize the two from yesterday as “almost easy”) I’m looking forward to getting some stuff done over the break. In no particular order here we go:

  • Overhaul computer to dual core Athlon 64
  • Finish Christmas shopping
  • Help finish off kitchen remodel
  • Watch Kung Fu DVDs I have not yet viewed
  • Get down and dirty with ASP.NET 2.0
  • Start planning what I will be doing after graduation
  • Start looking for possible employment opportunities
  • Spend more time with Sarah who has been slightly neglected this semester
  • Spend more time with Nikon D70 who has been slightly neglected this semester
  • Prepare for my last semester in the comfy world of academia
  • Get Christmas tree before Christmas
  • Maybe put up some Christmas light before Christmas
  • Get resume up to date in XML format using standardized DTD

If I accomplish anything, I really want to get some more programming and dotNet knowledge. It won’t be long until I’m interviewing for jobs and I want to make sure my skillset is up to date and competitive.

So what are you going to be doing with any vacation time you get?

5 Replies to “My Goals for Winter Break”

  1. my vacation has been great so far. i have been staying up way too late watching MASH and working on the dumb old projects i’ve been wanting to finish all semester, sleeping in way past 10 every day and working on a church video I should have started weeks ago. it’s good times. i feel so freeeeee! but i need to start figuring out what I’m going to do after graduation as well. only one semester to go, and then i can’t use school as an excuse for not doing anything with my life anymore. haha.

  2. Dood, dual core athlon 64s….MMMMMMM good. Sometime if I have too much time on my hands I’ll have to upgrade my vid card and get into a PC game. Hope you rock the last final.

  3. I already accomplished my first goal, which was to watch the A&E Pride and Prejudice. Now, I’m gonna read the entire Chronicles of Narnia. Then, I’m going to take a big nap.

  4. Hey I have a Kung-Fu classic for you to view, though its on VHS.
    Allow me to give you a preview…
    It’s called Crippled Masters, and I reckon it was mede in the 70’s, pre good quality computer graphics.
    It’s a story about 2 men, and their quest for revenge.
    The catch; one has no arms and the other essentially no legs!

    Freaking sweet!
    jason parks

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