We didn’t get to see the landscape driving in, but this was the view from our room at the Hilton resort in Oak Creek.

The plan for today was to head up to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon and see as many sites as possible on the way there. Heading up into Sedona there were nice views of the red rocks.

Had breakfast at the Wildflower Bread Company in Sedona and stopped off at the Church of the Holy Cross.

Continued the drive up 89A to Flagstaff and stopped for some shots of the canyon.

Bypassed Flagstaff and continued up the 89. Took a detour through the Sunset Crater and Wupatki National Monuments. Snow on the ground at the crater and crazy winds at one of the ruins.

Back on 89, stopped in Cameron before heading over to the east Grand Canyon entrance. There’s really nothing out there except for the Cameron Trading Post and its little restaurant. We got frybread which was absolutely scrumptious with a little honey.
Headed over to the east Grand Canyon entrance and went up in the Watchtower for our first peek at the result of millions of years of work.

I was confused by these signs, the guy looks like he’s saying “Alright cliff slide!”

We worked our way along the rim and stopped at the different lookouts before heading back down towards Flagstaff from the west entrance. We had planned to do a little spelunking in a lava tube, but it got dark too fast and there were several inches of snow on the ground in that area. Headed back down to Sedona for some vegetarian dinner at D’lish and called it a night.