My Category Order allows you to set the order in which Post categires will appear on your WordPress site. Uses a drag and drop interface for ordering. Adds a widget with additional options for easy installation on widgetized themes.
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Plugin Info
My Category Order was released in 2006 and has been compatible with every version of WordPress from 1.5 to 2.8.5. It went through a lot of changes, but the effort needed to keep it backwards compatible was quite burdensome. Breaking support for versions of WP older than 2.8 allowed for the inclusion of a more powerful widget and the removal of the horrible taxonomy.php patch (believe me I hated it more than anyone).
The most exciting change comes from the move to the new Widget API. It makes adding support for multiple widget instances a snap. Rewriting the widget code also allowed me to add widget options for nearly every single parameter normally available to the wp_list_categories template function. If you were being held back by the lack of options on the built in Categories widget then definitely check that out.
If you’d like to say thank you or make a donation please visit my Gifts and Donations page.
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All you have to do for the plugin to run on the wp 3.0 is update your categori order
orderby=order,name – DON’T WORK! (show: no categories)
I need order by “order” default for parent categories (only changed in the plugin admin), but, order by name for the others child categories (more the 50), don’t changed for the plugin. And order manualy is impossible (much child categories).
Wait update…
Anyone has a fix for 3.0.1 ? It doesn’t seem to work, need help!
Can I use this plugin with WordPress 3.1?
It is not compatible yet right?
10x man!! excatly what i was searching for
a great plugin… should be built in wordpress no doubt
Cheers, Psycho
I mean 3.0.1 yes, but I can see my previous commenter says he has problems with 3.0.1 so I will wait till the update.
There aren’t any outstanding issues. The previous commenter never responded with more information and it was likely another plugin was doing something nasty to the Javascript includes.
Hey, any chance you could send on that code? Where do I put it? Would be much appreciated..
Excellent plugin. A long time ago who was looking for a plugin like this.
Greatly facilitates my work.
I’m using this plugin on my blog Computers Shop
Thank you.
Just the plugin I was looking for. thanks a lot, this is just what i need.
work for me WP 3.0.1 fine.
Go to theme-functions.php in the theme folder and find the line that has:
and second
it should be:
and second
first line – subcat
second line – cat
thanks ! for this wonderful and easy plugin!
Great thanks for share
Plugin ver. 2.3.2 – not work with WP 2.3 – I see only category “News”…
in my functions.php only
if ( function_exists('register_sidebars') ) register_sidebars(2);
yes! ver. 2.8.3. work fine! :)
lol this orderby=order worked for me too… cheers!
Do you have a Chinese Language File? I want the Chinese Language Version.
Thank you!
Thanks, I will try.
thx bro, thats a great fix!
Does this plugin allow the posts within a category to be reordered as well, or just the cats can be reordered? WP lists the posts in a cat. by alphabetic order, as you know, but I need to be able to list them a different way. Is that possible?
followup to last post…I am using wp 2.9.2
Does it work with this version?
Hello how to creat new sab-catagory
It’s not work at wordpress 3.0.4 ? Please update quickly
Thanks and I’ll donate for you
Just like the poster above says. The plugin fails with WordPress 3.0.4. Would be extremly grateful if you could take a look into it.
Thanks for a great plugin!
Dear Rick,
I am using your plugin in my latest project and am very happy with the time saved. I have but one question and it’d be great if you could help out/provide some additional info on, well, what to do in this scenario..
This one works like a charm ->
. Outputs the thumbs of all my categories, ordered by order. I use some css trickery to hide the text from cats and just echo the image (from another plugin – think it was category-icons something). Dirty job, but working nevertheless..
The category archive-page uses
In the second example I need to echo the first three categories from the order established by “orderby=order”. You think that the number variable would take care of this, but that is not the case.
The Homepage (top 3 categories in from order) uses
The function appears to select 3 items prior to ordering the categories in the established order, leaving the orderby parameter useless. When I remove the number parameter the list is generated fine, by order as expected.
I imagine it is possible by writing a complete custom query, but well, I installed wordpress and this plugin for a reason ;) Extending functionality seems the way to go.
Does anyone have a tip on how to fix this? Any pointers greatly appreciated. :)
the above functions are:
archive: wp_list_categories(‘orderby=order&title_li=&style=none&hierarchical=false’) (working)
home (first 3 from order): wp_list_categories(‘orderby=order&title_li=&style=none&hierarchical=true&number=0&depth=0’)
(does not work as expected, see previous comment)
i upgrade my site to WP 3.0.4 and it doesn’t work, either. hope it can be fixed quickly, thanks!
Awesome plugin, would be nice to have a tree layout of categories with children to jump to instead of the combobox
–subcategory1 (has sub categories)
–subcategory2 (has sub categories)
can i add styles to it ??
In order to make it work on my site, I had to update the parameters within the function wp_list_categories. I added orderby=order in the function call. The complete code that works for me is:
Am I missing something? I tried to install the plugin, but it just DL a zip file, and there is no install file. Any help would be appreciated
NVM got it… long day lol
the plugin in not working please help me.
Thank’s for the plugin. Iwill try to use your plugin. Many thank’s for a good stuff…
You got any more information on version installs etc? Just “doesn’t” work is not an issue we can collectively fix. :)
Yes you can! It uses the wp_list_categories() wordpress function, so just style the list as you normally would.
Please, where do i put the code?
i simply replaced taxonomy = ‘category’ with taxonomy = ‘mycustomtax’ and it works perfectly.
i added a select box to the top to change the taxonomy.
Modified code can be found at
help! i need a plugin that can mass move categories into parent category
Im upgread WP 3.0.5 -> 3.1 and plugin doesn’t work :/
hope it can be fixed quickly, thanks!
Dude your plugin it’s amassing thanks for creating it, but I have a question, is this plugin able to overwrite an the wp_list_categories() ?
Anyway thanks for sharing!
Thanks,very nice work
Thanks, danke für da Pflugin.
Hey~I had activated your plugin and do the changes to the wp_list_category but it still remain unchanged. I would like to change my navigation category order according to my preference. Which file should I changed the code? “function.php” in my theme? “function.php” in wordpress wp-includes? “header.php” in my theme?
I figured out the problem. I need to delete those old categories and re-create new categories. After that, those navigation category had been re-ordered to what I wanted! Thanks a lot!
First, thanks for the awesome plugins!
I’m not sure if the latest My Category Order (Version 3.0.1) works on the front-end of my WP 3.1 site. I’m simply using it in an attempt to organize the categories on the backend for client administrative purposes. With that in mind, it does *not* work in ordering the categories in the following admin instances…
(1) When viewing the Categories list (/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category)
(2) When adding a new post, in the right-column “Categories” list
For both of the above, the categories still list alphabetically. Short of doing an admin core hack to add orderby=order (no, I don’t want to do that!) is there any way to have your plugin work in the back-end of WP 3.1? Thanks again!
Looks good, but not compatible with wp 3.1. Too bad. :(
It is compatible with WP 3.1 and has been since before its release.
Thanks for share
hay that do ban